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We Exclusively Install USA Made Products

Manufactured in the USA

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Transform Your Home's Exterior

BN Covered Exteriors is your premier destination for residential exterior remodeling solutions in the Tri-Cities Washington area. With a focus on roofing, siding, gutters, windows, doors, skylights, and patios, we pride ourselves on delivering superior craftsmanship with outstanding service at affordable prices.


If it's time to update your home's exterior, fill out the form for a free inspection and quote.

Quality Construction | Affordable Pricing | Energy Efficient | All Products Made in the USA

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Residential Roofing

Our expert team specializes in delivering premium roofing solutions tailored to the unique needs of each home.



Home Siding

From classic vinyl to innovative insulated and composite options, we provide a range of solutions to meet your unique requirements. 



Windows & Doors

We offer an extensive selection of products manufactured to the highest standard right here in the USA.



Patio Covers

Specializing in the installation of Patio Covers, Patio Roofing, Screen Rooms, Pergolas, Gazebos, and Sunrooms

Patio Covers


Rain Gutters & Gutter Guards

With a focus on precision and quality, we custom-design gutters that are specific to each home. We also use Bulldog gutter guards.

Rain Gutters

Customer Recommendations

Here's what some of our BN Covered Exteriors customers have to say about us.


"Company focuses on the customer, their needs and how best to service the community at large. Family oriented and family run."
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